B.Sc.Semester-1 NEP 2020 Orientation Programe
National Education Policy (NEP) of 2020 recognizes teachers to be the fulcrum of all activities aimed at achieving national goals of access, enrolments, equity and employability. The Policy envisages the need to provide opportunities of continuous professional development to teachers in the higher education institutions and impart new skills to understand diverse learning requirements, foster community engagement, use technology to promote inclusive and quality education and network globally. As India aims to become the global knowledge leader, the role of teachers is going to become more intense and wide reaching.
The orientation program was organized on 28th August 2023 with the welcome of the students, their parents, dignitaries, faculty members and Chief Guest of the event Dr.Y M Dabhi,,Principal graced the occasion with his presence and also included the motto, history and reputation of College along with recent achievements.
Dr.Smruti Pandya, Dr.Paresh Parekh and Dr.Jayesh Shah give brief explanation of college activity , NEP 2020 policy as well as Gujarat University new First year B.Sc. Semester-1syllabus to the newly admitted students.