Course selection and eligibility



From the academic year 2011-2012, Gujarat University has introduced choice based credit system with semester mode for three year under graduate bachelor of science course. Each academic year will be divided in to two semesters. Student who has passed H.S.C. or equivalent examination will be eligible for admission in first semester / F Y B Sc.
Each student shall have to select one of the groups of the core courses offered by the college. Of the three core courses selected at F Y B Sc level, student can choose two courses at S Y B Sc level. Of these two courses selected at S Y B Sc level, student has to choose one at T Y B Sc level.
In addition to core courses, student has to choose one foundation course and one elective course in each semester.

Course selection (Academic Year: 2023-2024)



From the academic year 2023-2024, Gujarat University is introducing curriculam and credit framework for undergraduate programme as per NEP 2020. Each academic year will be divided in to two semesters. Student who has passed higher secondary school examination or equivalent examination will be eligible for admission in first semester / First Year B Sc.
In addition to core courses, student has to choose one Ability Enhancement Course(Language) one Skill enhancement course and one Common value added course in semester-I and II.